
Amy, Troy & Rory (Musical Children: 3 & 4-Year-Old Class)

We are really enjoying the Lessons (Dad as well!) I think you have a great grasp on how long to persevere with an activity & nice fast transitions between things, so that everyone stays engaged. It’s a wonderful set up, extremely well organised, warm & inviting. We talk about the songs & rhymes outside the lesson & he has spontaneously done things like “high & Low” with his toys in the air, and remembers songs while we are out and about. It’s lovely!. I also think it is good for little ones (especially boys) to start to focus & sit for little blocks while listening to the teacher, to get ready for kindy. Also, things like waiting for your turn & watching others is great preparation. See the kids come out of their shell, get more confident & involved in the lesson has been great.